Might as well hope on the blog bandwagon, right? Especially since I miss writing. Also who knows, maybe someone will eventually read this and give feedback and start an interesting conversation. The idea of putting my ideas down in cyberspace - which seems very transient actually has quite a long memory - was a bit too much of a commitment. I am of the firm belief that people should be able to change their minds. It's not a very popular belief in this country (USA) today. But what's the point of debate and discussion if everyone's opinions are already written in stone? I actually want to start a website that will be a forum for discussion. I call it "The Gray Movement" because not everything is black and white. The philosophy is that every person has motivations and reasons for the things they believe and do. Even if people can't agree, there's usually some basic ideas that others can understand. That's the gray movement - the understanding that for many complicated concepts, there IS not right or wrong. There are an infinite amount of opinions and understanding that is more important than agreeing with each one. It sounds a bit sappy. No, it sounds incredibly sappy. But I think that understanding that beliefs are founded on SOMETHING is an important step. I just don't believe statements like "those people are evil." Because does anyone really think of themselves as evil? The most evil action can be justified by it's own set of givens. Like the Isaac Asimov short story where a robot becomes convinced that his deity has set up a myth for humans - that myth being the planet earth - so that humans would not feel obsolete. No matter what logic the engineers try, they cannot convince the robot otherwise because when you have a conclusion you can usually find a set of givens that proves it.
So these are my musings. I've been inspired to actually get off my ass and write into cyberspace by this video: web2.0. Things are happening now that will change many things that we take as givens. And I want in. So maybe randomly writing at 3am doesn't exactly link me to the future. But have you got any better ideas? (No, really, do you?)
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